written by Mary Kay and Pastor Peter Awane
We don't always get to see the words of Scripture come to life, but in the past month, I have seen the message of 2 Corinthians 9 play out in a very real and amazing way.
Pastor Peter Awane and his family |
Friends of mine have been helping a local pastor, Peter
Awane, in Zuarungu, near Bolgatanga. Peter has been a believer for more than 25
years. He spent 18 years translating the Old Testament into his native FraFra
language, and in 2008 the first copies of the FraFra Old Testament were placed in
the hands of the people. Pastor Peter has a great vision for
transforming his community through the power of the Holy Spirit. Peter has a 5-acre plot of land in
Zuarungu where he is centering his ministries, which include a Christian radio
station, a church and school for children of prostitutes and HIV/AIDS patients. He has plans to build a middle school and
high school, including dormitories and a skills training center for students
and women in the community.
The Primary School at Peter's ministry complex |
My friends are helping to raise funds for the construction
of Peter’s school buildings. They knew
he needed water but weren’t sure what to do about it. But one remembered that I did water projects
and pulled me in to help. I agreed to
see what I could do, and finally met with Peter over Easter weekend to see his
ministry and assess the need. Through the
generosity of Living Word UMC, a church in St. Louis committed to providing
water in communities in the Upper East through The Ghana Project, I committed to provide the borehole,
electric pump, tanks and piping that are needed for a ministry complex of the
size Peter dreams of. In mid-May, the
borehole was drilled, but much to our disappointment, while we hit water, there
was only a flow of about 10 liters per minute – enough for a handpump, but not enough
for the mechanized system that is really needed.
After receiving an impassioned email from Pastor Peter and a
distressed call from my assistant, I spoke with the driller. He thought there was another location, near a
traditional well, that he could drill and hit lots of water. I gave the go ahead for a second attempt,
hoping that this would not harm the flow into the traditional well.
I want to share with you the email I received from Pastor
Peter recently.
(edited for clarity)
Your Obedience to God’s call, zeal for the Great Commission
and faithfulness in going the extra mile especially with the poor and needy
like my community has yielded very positive remarkable testimonies within
Church and community. It has strengthened our faith and trust in Christ
Jesus. Our four years’ prayer for water for our school, ministry and
community was finally answered in a miraculous way.
The first drilling did not provide our expected
mechanized pump which the LORD promised us. And though there was jubilations
for the hand pump we could not erase the memory of the promise of God neither
could we stop the voice telling us that the promise will happen and the time is
NOW!! It was very difficult to believe this voice and the promise which was
confirmed in our prayer after the first drilling.
The ancestral well near Peter's property |
Two alternate locations were identified by the
driller after the first drilling did not give us our needed mechanized pump. We
were so joyful when we were told the next day that Mary Kay had approved a
second drilling, but at a specific place not under our control. We were faced
with so many questions like how much will we pay for that land, how could we get
the people to pay light bills since they were fetching the water free of
charge, the increased length of pipe needed and the different fields
these pipes will pass through. The second location identified by the driller was
on family land, a little closer to the school and church but almost in the same
location where the first drilling failed. Now if we attempted and failed again,
what would we tell Mary Kay who told us to drill closer to the ancestral well? (Note
from Mary Kay: I was never told about
two possible locations, just the location near the ancestral well.)
Ben the driller who is a native saw and knew the
complications involved. He met us and we
all agreed to go to prayer and ask God’s direction. The next day Ben called me
and asked my opinion and l said our hearts are set on my family land and he
also confirmed the same. Shortly l saw the guys who were coming to drill and
they asked me to show them the locations. I showed them the one on the family
land first because it was closer and asked that we go to the next location.
They said no and explained that they see that place to be a problem area and so
l should have confidence in God and let them drill on my family land. This was
a confirmation of our prayer. So they started and in the fifth rod, a
fountain!!!! a fountain!!! It continued and even more stronger up to the tenth
rod!!! What a Mighty God we serve. The testimony is everywhere about how we
prayed and how God worked.
Kids from Peter's school enjoy the safe water from their new borehole. |
We are now hearing that part of the members of the
land on which the ancestral well is, said they were ready to oppose the
drilling if we had attempted. Thanks to God who knows how to keep His children
away from troubles. Now the Church is strong and has discovered that they
can pray for and against anything and it would happen!!! Our faith, trust and
courage in the LORD is strengthened by your LOVE ACTIONS. GOD richly Bless you
as we look forward to rejoicing together in the dedication DAY!!!!
(email from Peter Awane)
This area of Zuarungu now has a community borehole
and will no longer have to use the ancestral well, which is susceptible to
contamination. Pastor Peter has plenty
of water for his school and ministry complex.
But most importantly, God is being glorified. In Paul’s words...
“This service
that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many
expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you,
because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! – 2 Cor. 9:12-15
Kids from Peter's school say "Thank you and thanks be to God!" |