Mary Kay writes:

I read a couple of devotions, tweets, and the like this week
that pointed out this juxtaposition. Most
pointed out that the same people who were praising Jesus, shouting “Hosanna”,
which means “save us”, were the ones shouting for his crucifixion by the end of
the week. Some talked about the disciples
“borrowing” a donkey – which the owner must have seen as a prank – though presumably the donkey was returned at the end of the day.
I also looked into the history of April Fool’s Day to see
when the tradition started. The Persians
(and now the Iranians) celebrate a day of pranks on the 13th day of
their New Year, which either falls on April 1 or April 2, according to
Wikipedia. The earliest mention of a day of pranks associated specifically with
April 1 was in Chaucer’s The Canterbury
Tales in The Nun’s Priest’s Tale, which is the tale of Chanticleer and the
Fox. Certainly Chanticleer outfoxing the
fox could be considered a good April Fool’s prank! But the Romans celebrated a festival called
Hilaria on the 25th of March, which is also thought to be a
precursor to our present day tradition.
Given that Jerusalem was under Roman rule, and that the
Passover (and therefore Easter) changes days as a lunar holiday, it is quite
possible that the original Palm Sunday procession coincided with the Roman Hilaria. This would be even more fitting in my
mind. To see Jesus riding into Jerusalem
on a donkey, with the crowds going wild?
This event is easier to see as a Monty Python-esque satire of the great
Roman military processions than as a real act of worship and praise. Who would cheer for a guy on a donkey, unless
you thought it was all a great farce?
Certainly Jesus did not represent the type of military hero that Israel
would have liked to see come and kick out the Romans – that guy would have
looked more like a combination of Sparticus, Ben Hur and Rambo! Or at least Iron Man, with the disciples cast
as the rest of the Avengers.

On Friday, a thief on a cross and one of the Roman centurions
who helped to crucify Jesus caught a glimpse of the real story, but even they
didn’t get the full picture. But today,
Sunday morning, we can look back and laugh!
We see joke and we get it. We
share in the “Gotcha”. We can run to our
friends shouting the Good News. He is
alive! Jesus conquered the cross and
death. He conquers all the rulers of
this world – whether Romans or Americans or someone else. He conquers all the lesser gods and demons of
the spiritual world – even that most powerful of demons, Satan. On Easter, of all days, we proclaim that all
is right with the world. God’s creation
is restored and God declares, “It is very good!”.
Alleluia! Christ is risen.
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
“[Jesus] told them, “This
is what is written: The Christ will
suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness
will be preched in His Name to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem.” (Luke 24:46-47, NIV)
The artwork posted today is from, an organization dedicated to presenting the Gospel in an African context.